impressions from the workbench


20150423_094619Modules which I hope to finish soon, accompanied by my orchid and served on a fender rhodes mk1 piano (dusty). Modules: Steffcorp Oscillarp (2x), Envelarp, VCF 2612 (Arplifier is on the way, to complete the collection, as well as the Envelarp Panel- here you just see the PCB in the second row on the left) and Frequency Central System X S/H Noise, Continuum Phaser ii.

I got into soldering about half a year ago because it’s a bit cheaper than buying the modules ready-made. And some modules are just available as DIY Sets. Anyways, Andre – who talked me in – has to answer all my questions, regarding this topic. If you are interested in steffcorp modules, better be quick, Rickard Steffensen is about to put in on hold for some time, due family. I head back to my tea now.



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